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Customers spend 44% more time in businesses that smell pleasant.


Creating memorable experiences and relationships with consumers is the key to brand loyalty and high sales in today’s fast-moving society. Scent Marketing is a type of sensory marketing that targets the olfactory system — the physiological system used for smelling. Businesses are looking into scent marketing solutions to create better bonding with their customers.

Smell is our most primitive sense as it has the ability to trigger emotions and memories instantly. Scent is the secret to staying competitive and increasing sales as sight and hearing are the easiest and most abused senses in business. Studies show brand impact increased by 30% when more than one sense is engaged, and by 70% when three senses are integrated into the brand message.

Why Scent & Memory Are Linked. Check out our blog post here.

Scent branding is more than just attracting customers and gaining sales. Adding scent to your brand helps build upon your company’s identity, adding another piece of branding that amplifies your values and differentiates you from competitors. Think of scent branding as a scent logo; a visual design logo for smell. All companies have a graphic design logo, but few have a scent brand. Combining scent with other marketing cues to provide the ultimate consumer experience results in happier, more loyal customers.

Scent Branding, Scent / Aroma Marketing and Ambient Scent



Uplifting the moods of consumers. Makes consumers feel more comfortable and welcome.

Dwell Time

Prolong consumers' linger time in stores.

Interest in Product

Increase consumers' willingness to browse more.


Make consumers' perceive products to be of better value.


And finally, increase consumer spending.
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